When I got the news last night that the simple inpatient surgery my mom had turned into an overnight hospital stay with constant blood pressure monitoring, IV fluids and major pain meds, I wasn’t sure what to expect. After being coached back from the brink of hysterics by her husband, who assured me that a plane trip home to her bedside wasn’t quite necessary, I did all I could think of to distract myself from worrying about her. She’s an amazing cook, baker, checkbook balancer, budgeter, healer of wounds (both physical and mental), listener, and most of all friend. I did the usual: dig through my mail pile, flip through my Tivo for interesting programming, and finally surfed for some porn. Lame as it may sound, it was the only thing that got my mind off of my mom.
So today, let’s celebrate doctors in porn and the healing the bring to all of us! D & E Productions brings College Boy Physicals #1 through #5 to the table as Drs. FingerPhuk, Rimmerman and Toppenbotom pratice their special kind of medicine on their hot young patients. Here’s a picture from College Boy Physicals #5:
You’ll also wanna see Xtreme Productions restorative line called Routine Checkups! There are 4 unbelievable DVDs just right for what ails ya! From Routine Checkups #1:
In another throw back to my childhood is Let’s Play Doctor, also from Xtreme Productions.
Hope I’ve help to ease some tension!
PS: I just got a call from Mom who has been released from the hospital. She said she’s ok, but tired.