Category: Andreas Mouskouri

So I know a little about tagging from a guy I dated, and he told me a little about what things mean. Like a rounded top with a sharp bottom, or where on a train or building or over pass the graffiti is done. I thought I knew a lot about it until the other day when I watched Bel Ami‘s Graffiti and these boys were tagging more than just some walls in some abandoned buildings!!

Instead of making beautiful art on the walls, boys like Josh Elliott and Kurt Diesel are painting each other making beautiful music with other beautiful Bel Ami men! Maybe there’s a market for this kind of art?

The men of Bel Ami are so beautiful, it’s hard to believe they are real people. I mean, comeon, who really looks like Luke Hamill and Paul Valery? No one I’ve met outside of the porn industry, that’s for sure.

Check out the third release in the series from Bel Ami called Flings 3. It’s beautiful men having the time of their lives and looking hot every second of every day!


