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Elder White: chapters 1-4

Item Number: MBZ002 Running Time1 hr 40 min UPC: 8-95152 03727-7
Synopsis Elder White’s movie-star good looks and winning smile have made him popular with the other missionaries and his leaders. Everyone is sure he’ll be an important church leader one day. But just when he thinks he has figured out missionary life, another boy tells him the church is actually run by a group of men known as The Order.
Thus begins an erotic behind the secret doors and in the hidden rooms of the Mormon Temple, during which Elder White proves his worthiness by submitting to the sexual desires of the brethren.

Starring Elder White, President Nelson & President Oaks

If you have ever fantasized about hot Mormon missionaries, or wondered what they do behind closed doors, you‚’re in the right place. WHAT IS MORMON BOYZ? This is the place to showcase beautiful young Mormon boys. These guys are every bit as sexual as other boys their age, but are also wonderfully innocent and wholesome. And actually, you might even say that because of their deprivation, these boys are pent up and starved for release, and that makes them even more sexual.

PRIESTHOOD AUTHORITY This is also the place to reveal the true process by which young Mormon men receive their priesthood authority, a process which has been a closely held secret for more than 180 years; only now is this true process being brought to light by Mormon Boyz. Although ordination by insemination is not practiced among the general membership of the Church very often, this true transfer of priesthood power has been ongoing since Mormon founder Joseph Smith and close friend Oliver Cowdery were inseminated by John the Baptist, the Apostles Peter, James, and John, and each other.

THE ORDER After this restoration of the priesthood to the earth, Joseph Smith was instructed by Elohim to gather the righteous men around him and organize the “School of the Prophets” also know as the “True Order of the Priesthood” or simply “The Order” so that this priesthood power would never be lost from the earth again. When young boys come of age they are selected, mentored, and ordained by leadership within The Order, continually passing their seed and priesthood authority on to the next generation. Those who have received this power can trace their semenal lineage all the way back to Elohim himself.

MISSIONARY PROGRAM In order to sustain the now restored priesthood organization, Joseph Smith founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS/Mormon), and started a missionary program that would allow the Brethren to test and try young men and assess their worthiness. Those who pass this test are selected to enter into the sacred priesthood order. Only the finest physical specimens of Mormonism are invited to join.

THEN AND NOW Previously on Mormon Boyz, those invited to join the Order could only be featured before any of the rituals were performed. But now, we can show most everything. Although exposing the sexually explicit rituals is not unanimously approved by the School of the Prophets, several chapters within the organization felt the time was right to let the world know the fascinating and also terribly arousing truth behind the facade of Mormonism.

WHAT HE REALLY TAUGHT Joseph Smith taught that “for one to be ordained an ambassadors of the Order you must show obedience to the rules that are set forth. Proper conduct at all times is at the utmost importance.” Joseph Smith explained that by giving dedicated service to the order with “all your heart, might, mind and strength, and through the fruit of your loins, you may stand blameless before Elohim and your fellow brethren.

DRESS AND APPEARANCE By showing obedience to the rules one must be willing to adhere to a strict dress code; only conservative business suits in dark colors with white shirt and tie. Including the sacred underwear garment which serves as a constant reminder to the pledge one has made to the Priesthood. “Get your hair cut regularly and nicely trimmed above the collar and around the ear. Beards, mustaches and side-burns are to be avoided and can only be worn under special circumstances upon approval.

SELF DISCIPLINE An Elder must be willing to attend all meetings and also maintain full strength and health through a healthy diet, rest, exercise and proper cleanliness. Proper health includes a routine for regular masturbation during personal and companionship study time, and exploration of self-pleasure.

INDUCTION PROCESS Once an Elder has shown allegiance to the guidelines, several rituals are performed before ordination by insemination is actually performed; such as an interview before the leading priesthood, an inspection by either the Bishop or Patriarch, and an evaluation. Once an Elder has been properly ordained, he is instructed to go forth, harvest the fields, and bring forth other worthy young men into the fold who desire it. Today, young men are selected based on their purity and beauty and actively recruited to join the Order.

Not to be missed: Already shipping: Elder Sorensen Chapter 1-5

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