August 1st commences Buff Bus Work with Turk month lol !!! DON’T feel left out if you choose not to buff – enjoy the ride anyway, and what surely will be sweatier pictures every day I know everyone is different and everyone is looking for specific results, so those of you getting fitter with me have Home Assignments haha!!! 1. write down your goals … For me, I am looking to bulk up and gain about 15 lbs more muscle – realistically only a couple pounds per week. It’s important to be realistic becuase if you set goals too high, you may get discouraged – and this is to be FUN I am also looking to get a bigger chest, arms, and who wouldn’t like to see my ass get just a little bit bigger lol! 2. once you have your goal, do a little research on what appeals to you as far as your exercizes to work those specific areas. Try a few of them (free weights, situps, biking, etc…) and see what you can do, what you can’t, and what seems to work for you. 3. You should have your routine set by mid week – write it down and follow it! 4. VERY IMPORTANT, pick a music playlist that helps you get motivated. Believe me, its important to have good music that you can move to while you workout – it makes the process so much easier and more fun. 5. Set your schedule for the month, what days are you going to work out? How many days a week and at what time – just a tip, morning is best for you, so if your not a morning person this can be challenging but push yourself! My schedule is going to be this: Sunday: Run Monday: Gym Tuesday: Off Wednesday: Gym Thursday: Run Friday: Gym Saturday: Off It’s important that you give your body enough time in between workouts to recover. That is why you need days off. You should also work different areas each day. For example, when I am at the Gym, I will be lifting weights and doing mostly muscle building and strength training – the days when I am running are all about Cardio. Okay let’s get crackin’ !!! – lol – and, again, for those who don’t need or choose to get on this particular Bus – it’s all good, don’t feel left out!!! The blog and pictures will be there – along with some added grunts, sweat and groans from me
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