…UNCENSORED and as always UNFILTERED… First here is the text received today, verbatim (if you need a translation please ask lol). “we are waz up in the mountains of prague. i never got a phone and it surelz wouldn§t have worked anzwaz. no one speaks mz language verz well and i am actuallz verz home sick. I had two secenes so far and todaz is the big scene. i have to be honest this is not at all what i expected or what it is like filming in the us. i have gotten to know phillippe prettz well though. hope to see some of the sites before i go, i have just been working since i got here. sorrz for all the zzz, i cannot understand this kezboard = its foreign lol. ” …Okay, Need I say SEND HIM SOME LOVE ???
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