I’m doing great in School! I love it 🙂 We have already had three exams and my scores were a 93%, and 2 100%! It’s funny how you do well when you are really interested in the subject. Tonight I am bartending at the Sonoma County Pride kickoff party hosted by Skyy Spirits at Atwood Ranch & Winery in Glen Ellen. Supposedly some Colt models will be there as well. I will write you details tomorrow on how it went. MEANWHILE back at JUNE TURKATHON, two important things: 1. NEXT LIVE CAM AND CHAT GIVEAWAY , THURSDAY JUNE 10th at 8PM WEST COAST/11PM EAST COAST, will be something to  do with my FEET That’s all the hinting for now lol 2. THE WINNER OF THE FIRST WEEK IN JUNE FREE MEMBERSHIP (enter by typing, writing, painting etc. something to turk@turkxxxonline.com   or by catching the Special Timed Posts that appear at random times daily and e-mail hhotandy@yahoo.com when you do) picked randomly from entries and e-mails…..IS….. IGNACIO !!! …you will get an e-mail from HotAndy with details THANKS to ALL who saw the posts or mailed stuff, and remember that there is a new winner EVERY WEEK in JUNE so keep trying

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