…or maybe 7… I recently discovered and have become obsessed with a hulu web series called ‘The LXD’ The Legion of Extraordinary Dancers, commonly known as the The LXD, is a web series about two groups of rival dancers: heroes (The League of Extraordinary Dancers) and villains (The Alliance of the Dark) who discover they have superpowers, referred to as “the ra”, through their dance abilities.The entire story takes place over hundreds of years, beginning in the 1920s up to the year 3000. Now wouldn’t it be awesome to substitute porn for dancing into this equation and make an awesome porn series! Calling it The Legion of Extraordinary Porn Stars (The LXP). Call me crazy but I think it would be great!!! Here’s a little mock picture I made up hehe. Just remember, if some big budget porn company decides to do this you heard it here first, and I better be offered a role lol. By the way, if you haven’t seen the series you can watch all the episodes on hulu.com LIVE TONIGHT (MONDAY) 5PM WEST/8PM EAST …make that maybe 8 since I left my friend out of the above photo (my bad lol)…

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