Tagged: east

TONIGHT 8PM WEST/ 11PM EAST…   TURKXXX IS NOMINATED FOR “BEST AMATEUR WEBCAM”  … if you think he deserves your vote please… Click here to vote ! After voting, you will be sent a CONFIRMATION E-MAIL , which usually ends up in your SPAM. Please look for it and reply to verify because your vote will not be counted if you don’t. As always, THANK YOU ALL!!! …and a special Thanks to “sarasa01love” at Youtube…check it out…

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7PM WEST/ 10PM EAST WEDNESDAY…LIVE (one more exclusive peak from the upcoming Photo Gallery update by photographer Ronald N. Tan…) COMING IN JUNE…LIVE SHOW PRIZES AND BLOG CONTESTS AND PRIZES…DETAILS SOON FOR ALL YOU DO, THIS TURK’S FOR YOU

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