This week, two years ago, HotAndy and I were test posting – and making sure we were on the same page as far as committment and purpose. It sounds a bit high minded for a “Porn Site” lol, but that was the mission and with tons of little things getting in the way unexpectedly, we wondered if we would ever get to a point where we could deliver what we wanted to deliver. Not to get all nostalgic on you here lol, but one thing I have never forgotten, that I first heard so well put in those early planning talks, was that we would never think of comments and e-mails as just typing with a first name attached – that each one represented a real human being, having good days and bad days, hopes and dreams…and that for them to take time to comment or write was an honor. Oh and also, Andy said we should call such people something to build a sense of community. At first I was not thrilled with the choice because it sounded like it could be misunderstood…but I yielded and I’m glad I did. Because that’s how the term “Turkie” came to be lol The first post pictures…two years ago next week…do I look two years older now? Wiser? LOL Patrick, Dave, Mark, Jason, DeWayne, Chris and Jeremy were among the first commentors, with Patrick being #1 on Day 1 !!! THIS WEEK’S TRIVIA QUESTION… Winner to be announced Monday 10/25…along with the special Winner randomly chosen from ALL entries this month (both right and wrong guesses, as a Thank You for taking time to respond)… Turk has worked with dozens of famous, infamous, incredibly talented Photographers… Justin Monroe, Vaesna Him, Scott Marrs, Dylan Rosser, Chris Knight, Ryan Wibawa, Jeff Slater, Ronald N. Tan, Adam Bouska, Mark Grantham and so many others who have also become good friends… THE QUESTION IS…NAME TWO PHOTOGRAPHERS THAT HAVE CONCIEVED AND TAKEN INCREDIBLY HOT SHOOTS WITH TURK AND J PHOENIX . E-mail answers only to ….Thanks and good luck! And thanks to all the talented people behind the cameras…XOXO…:)
Here is the original post: