Tagged: saying-the-guy

SF Pride was fun as always – a lot more of my friends and Turkies came out this year – thanks for your support!!! And as always, it is great working with PornTeam. I wanna give a shout out to Nick Starr whom I ran into there, thanks again for all you’ve done to help HotAndy and I when we got on Tech trouble – great seeing you! And Desi as well (a photographer friend of mine). So the Backstreet Boys made a special appearance this year – but I missed their 2 song set cause I was trying to get through the crowd lol. But really, 2 songs! That’s it guys? Only a couple of pictures this time, that’s how busy every minute was. One is of me and my good friend and classmate who I have nicknamed ‘lil saurus’ in the first picture with me – and a hot couple in the surrounding me in the other picture. The crowd was saying the guy on my left (in the picture) and I looked alike to which I said, and I quote …” I sure hope so cause DANG! He’s freaking HOT!” Don’t forget that this week’s LIVE CAM AND CHAT GIVEAWAY is Wednesday – and that also an extra FREE MEMBERSHIP will be announced on Wednesday, also randomly chosen from all the entries this month. This will close a very successful JUNE TURKATHON, just in time for JULY HEAT

The rest is here: