Usually, if you have to cross the border into another country you need a visa. The usual procedure for getting one, at least here in the U.S., is to fill out the paperwork, take it to the proper governmental agency, then sit and wait. Bureaucratic bullshit generally applies and THAT can take a while so it’s best to put your paperwork in early. But what happens when you have to get that visa ASAP? Well, there ARE ways to get your application bumped to the top of the list although they might not be very orthodox. Now, we’re not saying you should attempt what Dimitri Borodin tries here in this scene from Sweet&Raw, especially since the man he has to visit is from the military. Nor do we advise you to try this at all…EVER! But, hey. As a fantasy, it works quite well for the twink who’s eager to obtain his visa in a way others might find unscrupulous. What Dimitri doesn’t know is that the military man he has to see is none other than